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The Second Ring of Power, by CARLOS CASTANEDA
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SIZE: 5 ½ x 8 ½ (approximately) PAGES: 316 pages. BACKGROUND/DESCRIPTION: First Edition with the correct number line present '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10'. SIMON AND SCHUSTER, NY 1977.
- Sales Rank: #1972308 in Books
- Published on: 1977
- Ingredients: Example Ingredients
- Number of items: 1
- Binding: Hardcover
- 316 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Another great Castaneda book
By Sci-Fi Lover
One of my favorite in the series.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Hook Erl
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
The art of Dreaming & the 2nd attention
By Dragan
July 2014: Since writing many book reviews of the past, this current review inclusive, much has changed, as I have discovered much. I have come to see and have had exposed many of the deceptions and errors associated with Gnosticism, this even after becoming a Gnostic priest. My faith in Jesus Christ has been my anchor and I press on with him who shed his blood for me. I am tempted to delete many of my reviews, as I have already done; time will tell.
This is the 5th book in the Carlos Castaneda series. One could read this book without having read the other books, but this would not be advisable. Here, Carlos returns to the deserts of Mexico in Search of Don Juan and meaning as to the events of the last book `Tales of Power'. The Nagual's, Don Juan and Don Genaro are not to be found. As is stated from the `editor's review', the first few chapters of this book deal with Carlos interacting with the sorceress Dona Soledad. Carlos's teachings continue not under the direction of these Nagual's, but with instruction left to the other disciples for Carlos Castaneda to work through. The interaction with these other disciples gives us a clearer understanding in the workings of Carlos Castaneda and Don Genaro.
This book presents us with `The art of dreaming' and `second attention'. Attention of Tonal "The capacity of average people to perceive and place their awareness on the ordinary world of everyday life. The first ring of power is our "awesome, but take-for-granted ability to impact order to our perception of our daily world." "The second domain (2nd ring of Power) was the attention of the Nagual; that is to say, the capacity of the sorcerer to place their awareness on the non-ordinary world". "Don Juan had said that our "first ring of power" is engaged very early in our lives and that we live under the impression that that is all there is to us. Our "Second ring of Power," the "attention of the Nagual," remains hidden for the immense majority of us, and only at the moment of our death is it revealed to us. There is a pathway to reach it, however, which is available to every one of us, but which only sorcerers take, and that pathway is through dreaming." "Dreaming" was in essence the transformation of ordinary dreams into affairs involving volition. Dreamers, by engaging their "attention of the Nagual" and focusing it on the items and events of their ordinary dreams, change those dreams into dreaming". Pg 278.
"First Attention, where we experience the Tonal, or the Second Attention where we experience the Nagual. To Castaneda the Tonal is often associated with the masculine aspect of the universe and the Nagual to the feminine. The Tonal can roughly be linked to the concept of Ego and the conscious mind." Wikipedia (Nagual Castaneda).
Carlos gives us the example of a table in the desert. The realm of the tonal deals with the objects placed upon the table. The 2nd ring of power of the Nagual, deals with standing back and becoming aware of all that goes beyond the table that is situated in a vast desert.
"The Nagual told me that human beings are frail creatures composed of many layers of luminosity. When you see them, they seem to have fibres, but those fibres are really layers, like an onion. Jolts of any kind separate those layers and can cause human beings to die" pg 290
"Sorcerers have to do their best to keep their own layers closed. That's why the Nagual taught us dreaming. Dreaming tightens the layers. When sorceress learn dreaming they tie together their tow attentions and there is no more need for that centre to push out". Do you mean that sorcerers do not die?" "That's right. Sorcerers do not die." Pg 291.
Carlos teaches us to access the second intention we should learn the art of gazing. For Carlos, Don Juan had taught to look into the distance without focusing onto specifics. In this book however we find that Don Juan has taught his other disciples the opposite depending upon the individual in question. Interesting to note here, for those that think that they can do the esoteric work themselves; having a master to guide us can pinpoint and expedite our progress depending upon our makeup, our personality etc. To one was given the task of gazing at a leaf (pg 294), a plant, a tree or rock; to another a fog or the rain (pg 297). "One could also gaze at water (still or running), smoke, fire or even a hung piece of cloth (pg 303).
"The difficulty in gazing is to learn to quiet down the thoughts. The Nagual said that he preferred to teach us how to do that with a pile of leaves because we could get all the leaves we needed any time we wanted to gaze. But anything else would do the same job. Once you stop the world you are a gazer. And since the only way of stopping the world was by trying, the Nagual made all of us gaze at leaves for years and years. I think it's the best way to reach our second attention. He combined gazing at dry leaves and looking for our hands in dreaming...The Nagual said that once you have trapped your second attention with dry leaves, you do gazing and dreaming to enlarge it. And that's all there is to gazing...The Nagual said that all we needed to do in order to trap our second attention was to try and try. All of us stopped the world by gazing at dry leaves." pg 295.
"The mad reign of King Monkey Mind can be overthrown by shifting the focus towards the second attention. The second attention can be cultivated by relaxing the search for meaning. This can be experienced by relaxing the tendency to project and/or assume meaning onto whatever is perceived, in lieu of direct perception of the phenomena. This can also occur by dropping labels through an agreement to experience the world without naming what you are experiencing. Infants and very young children see this way most of the time. This begins a process of flexing a perceptual muscle that was at one time active and vital before it weakened and/or atrophied." (Paratheatrical dot com)
"How do you learn?" "In my dreaming. Dreamers must gaze in order to do dreaming and then they must look for their dreams in their gazing. For example, the Nagual made me gaze at the shadows of rocks, and then in my dreaming I found out that those shadows had light, so I looked for the light in the shadows form then on until I found it. Gazing and dreaming go together". Pg 308. Selah.
Having read this book one is still left wondering what has happened to these two Nagual's that gone to another dimension. Guess I'll have to read the 6th book in the Carlos Castaneda series - `The eagle's gift'.
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