Ebook Complete English Grammar Rules: Examples, Exceptions, Exercises, and Everything You Need to Master Proper Grammar (The Farlex Grammar Book
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Complete English Grammar Rules: Examples, Exceptions, Exercises, and Everything You Need to Master Proper Grammar (The Farlex Grammar Book
Ebook Complete English Grammar Rules: Examples, Exceptions, Exercises, and Everything You Need to Master Proper Grammar (The Farlex Grammar Book
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Finally, all the rules of English grammar in one comprehensive book, explained in simple terms.
The grammar book for the 21st century has arrived, from the language experts at Farlex International and TheFreeDictionary.com, the trusted reference destination with 1 billion+ annual visits.
Farlex brings you the most comprehensive grammar guide yet: all the rules of English grammar, explained in simple, easy-to-understand terms. Over 500 pages of proper grammar instruction—2X more than the leading grammar book!
Whether you're an expert or a beginner, there's always something new to learn when it comes to the always-evolving English language. Don't rely on multiple incomplete textbooks that contradict each other—fill in all the gaps in your grammar knowledge with one go-to guide. Only Complete English Grammar Rules gives you key exceptions, common grammar mistakes, thousands of real-world examples, and hundreds of grammar quizzes designed to help you retain what you've learned.
With Complete English Grammar Rules, you'll be able to:
• Quickly master basic English grammar and tackle more advanced topics.
• Properly use every type of noun, verb, and even the most obscure grammar elements.
• Master verb tenses, including irregular verbs and exceptions.
• Avoid embarrassing grammar errors.
• Immediately put your skills into action! Become a more effective writer and communicator in school, at work, and in everyday conversation.
- Sales Rank: #14994 in eBooks
- Published on: 2016-07-14
- Released on: 2016-07-14
- Format: Kindle eBook
From the Author
Grammar is without a doubt one of the most daunting aspects of the English language, an area riddled with complexities, inconsistencies, and contradictions. It has also been in a state of flux for pretty much its entire existence. For native speakers of English, as well as for those learning it as a new language, grammar presents a very serious challenge to speaking and writing both accurately and effectively.
Having a single, reliable, go-to reference guide should therefore be indispensable to those trying to learn, improve, or perfect their speech or writing. This book is that guide: a clear, unambiguous, and comprehensive source of information that covers all the relevant topics of English grammar, while still being easy to understand and enjoyable to read.
Every topic in the book has been broken down into basic units. Each unit can be read and understood in its own right, but throughout the book you will find cross-references to other sections and chapters to help make it clear how all the pieces fit together. If you're having trouble understanding something, try going back (or forward) to other related topics in the book.
Finally, it must be mentioned that, because English is such a flexible, inconsistent language, the "rules" that are often bandied about are usually not rules at all, but rather guides that reflect how the language is used. Accordingly, the guidelines contained within this book are just that--guidelines. They are not intended to provide constrictive or proscriptive rules that confine everyone to a particular way of speaking or writing.
Learning how the English language works will enhance your engagement with speech and writing every day, from the books you read, to the e-mails you write, to the conversations you have with friends and strangers alike.
As such, mastering grammar is not an exercise that is confined to the classroom. While it is certainly important to learn the structures, styles, and rules that shape the language, the key to truly learning English is to read and listen to the way people write and speak every day, from the most well-known authors to the people you talk to on the bus. Take the information you find in this book and carry it with you into the world.
About the Author
Farlex International is the team behind TheFreeDictionary.com, the online reference destination with 1 billion+ annual visits.
TheFreeDictionary.com is a compilation of dictionaries and encyclopedias from the world's most trusted publishers, including McGraw-Hill, Houghton Mifflin, and HarperCollins.
Since its founding in 2003, TheFreeDictionary.com has grown to include a vast and diverse amount of reference content, including multiple thesaurus sources and specialty dictionaries covering fields such as grammar, science, medicine, law, finance, idioms and slang, acronyms, computing, and more, as well as dictionaries in 14 other languages.
Farlex dictionary apps powered by The Free Dictionary have been downloaded by tens of millions of users across multiple platforms, with top ratings after hundreds of thousands of user reviews.
Most helpful customer reviews
14 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent English Grammar Book
By Alex S
At last! So many grammar resources that you find online (and even on bookshelves) cater towards minor grammatical quibbles – “your” vs. “you’re,” “who” vs. “whom” and so on – without addressing the fundamental structural rules of the language. I’m happy to find that the Complete English Grammar Rules by Farlex is exactly what it says: the complete English grammar rules.
Communicating with others is a big part of what I do for a living, so I always need to be sure that what I write and edit are as grammatically correct as possible. The amount of detail that this guide provides is actually staggering, and for any topic I’m uncertain about I am always able to find thorough explanations and helpful examples. While it does include some of the commonly confused terms and expressions, there aren’t a huge amount – it really is meant more for those who want to learn about the actual structure of the language, and how to write and speak correctly.
One thing I especially appreciated was the explanations of outdated rules compared to accepted modern usage. The book always outlines what is or was commonly thought of as “correct” or “proper” that has now become uncommon in day-to-day English, showing clear examples of both. An indispensable resource for those who write for a living!
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
This book is huge!
By V Shvetz
This is a very comprehensive book, a superset of everything I have read on English grammar so far. Quizzes at the end of every chapter are very helpful. I recommend this book primarily for intermediate and advanced learners.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Highly Recommended
By Steve
The only thing it lacks that I would have liked to see is a section on sentence diagramming. That said, this is a superbly comprehensive text, and it is a treasured addition to my reference library.
Complete English Grammar Rules: Examples, Exceptions, Exercises, and Everything You Need to Master Proper Grammar (The Farlex Grammar Book PDF
Complete English Grammar Rules: Examples, Exceptions, Exercises, and Everything You Need to Master Proper Grammar (The Farlex Grammar Book EPub
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Complete English Grammar Rules: Examples, Exceptions, Exercises, and Everything You Need to Master Proper Grammar (The Farlex Grammar Book iBooks
Complete English Grammar Rules: Examples, Exceptions, Exercises, and Everything You Need to Master Proper Grammar (The Farlex Grammar Book rtf
Complete English Grammar Rules: Examples, Exceptions, Exercises, and Everything You Need to Master Proper Grammar (The Farlex Grammar Book Mobipocket
Complete English Grammar Rules: Examples, Exceptions, Exercises, and Everything You Need to Master Proper Grammar (The Farlex Grammar Book Kindle
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